A 30-something Bostonian with a passion for good food, fine company and exploring new places both near and far. Follow along as I document my adventures and share my tips for traveling, dining and entertaining in style.
Smoked bluefish filets can be procured from New England specialty food shops; however it is easy and inexpensive to make your own at home. Though the popularity of dedicated smokers has surged in recent years, the only "equipment" needed for this recipe is a simple backyard grill. As we are city dwellers, I smoke my fish over a grate in our wood-burning fireplace, which results in a mild flavor and moist texture that is perfect for my savory pâté.
Step One
Dry fish and sprinkle with equal parts salt and sugar. Cover loosely and refrigerate for at least one hour and up to four.
Step Two
If using an outdoor grill: Light one quart lump charcoal and let it burn until the coals glow red. Push the coals to one side of the grill and spread a handful of the drained wood chips over the top. Place the grate on top of the grill.
If using a fireplace: Start a fire and let it burn down until there are only red coals remaining. Push the coals to one side of the fireplace and spread a handful of the drained wood chips over top. Place the camp grill grate in the fireplace on top of the coals.
Step Three
Add the fish to the end of the grate opposite of the coals and away from direct heat. Either place the lid on the grill or, if using a fireplace, tent the grate with aluminum foil. Smoke for forty-five minutes, monitoring the fire and lightly dousing any flames if necessary.
Smoked bluefish pâté